Frank R. Bodor Strings of Joy, 2022-2023
The Orchestra's Frank R. Bodor Strings of Joy program provides free violin lessons to selected Trumbull County students in grades three through seven. Elements of the program include:
The Orchestra will loan each student an age-appropriate violin and provide individual, 20-minute lessons each Sunday afternoon through ​​May 2023. Occasional group lessons will be scheduled, as well. The Orchestra will provide printed music to the students at no cost.
Each student must be willing to attend the lessons, practice what he/she is learning, properly care for the borrowed instrument and demonstrate good behavior throughout each lesson.
Parents must be willing to provide transportation for the lessons, provide encouragement and practice space, and assume ultimate responsibility for the instrument.
Instructors are qualified musicians who are paid under a separate fund consisting of grants from the Youngstown/Warren Regional Chamber Foundation, other community organizations and individual donations.
Lessons begin October 2, 2022, and will be held at Christ Episcopal Church, 2627 Atlantic Street, NE, Warren.
Applications for this class were due by September 1, 2022.​
Jenna Barvitski instructs the current Strings of Joy students.
Direct questions to Barry Dunaway, Frank R. Bodor Strings of Joy Coordinator, 330-399-3606,
Download Application Form [MS Word OR PDF, 1 page]
Download ​Frank R. Bodor Strings of Joy Enrollment Agreement [MS Word OR PDF, 2 pages]
Download Guide for Parents or Guardians [MS Word OR PDF, 3 pages]