A Tribute to Warren Philharmonic Orchestra
President Frank R. Bodor
By Leanna J. Dunaway, Assistant Executive Director

Frank R. Bodor was president of the Warren Philharmonic Orchestra Board of Trustees for many years. During his tenure, the orchestra performed two magnificent concerts per season.
Over and above our regular concerts, we played for senior citizens in assisted living facilities; offered two free concerts for students in grades 3-8 in Trumbull County; sponsored art contests for those same students; created the Strings of Joy program which offers free violin/cello lessons to students; and had many fundraisers in and around our community.
The most recent exciting moment for the Warren Philharmonic came when Yo-Yo Ma decided to hold a free concert at the Warren Community Amphitheatre and asked for help from the orchestra to organize and present his music and ours. It was a thrilling event for us and for the Warren/Youngstown area.
Frank was passionate about the orchestra and classical music. He was forever promoting the musicians, its conductor and organization. He was a "hands on" type of guy who jumped in and hauled chairs where they needed to go, built a stand for the conductor for concerts at the First Presbyterian Church, wrote letters to countless individuals and businesses asking for donations/help with the orchestra, and still would dress in his suit on concert afternoons with programs in hand and make the necessary remarks at intermission. His expertise ran the gamut of laborer to highly respected leader of our Board of Trustees.
It has now been several months since his passing. We miss him.
The following is a list of admirers who have given donations to the orchestra in memory of Frank Bodor:
Thomas and Lisa Abruzzi
David W. Ambrose
Tullio and Christine Belmaggio
Peter A. Biltz
​Mr. and Mrs. David Boich
Patricia Caldrone
Anna Marie Campana
Tami and Jamie Candella
Mildred H. Cornicelli
Ronald Dabrowski
Valentino DiVieste
Barry and Leanna Dunaway
Robert Burkey and Elise Magill
Mary Ann Dedow
Richard and Martha Ellers
James and Charlotte Floyd
Thelma Gibson
Ned and Deborah Gold
John and Lillian Hinkson
Therese and Griswold Hurlbert
Komal Jain
Antal, Gabriella, Laura and Olivia Jakli
Michele Kayal
Laurie and Mike Keriotis
Susan and Gregory Kokal
Catherine Macheret
Franklin and Mary Manios
Bill Mullane and Patti Latham
Oscar H. Merrow
Rebecca W. Natale
Geri and Nigel Newman
Carol Olson
Melvin and Ruby Parrish
James and Pari Payiavlas
John Payiavlas
Vicki Pettibon
Peter P. Rossi, Jr.
Randil and Deborah Rudloff
Fred and Janet Schweitzer
Steven Sheriff and Michele Alperin
Marvin and Gloria Shevel
Michael and Walter Shevel
James L. Sullivan
Bill and Alice Taylor
Brooke Thigpen
Col. Dennis Thompson
Ben and Veronica Tomassi
Monisha Trindade
Henry Venetta
Frank and Tricia Veres
Dallas and Velma Woodall
Gian M. De Caris, Co., LPA
​Letson & Swader Co., LPA
Lone Wolf Brokerage, Inc. (Carol and Jeff Kurdilla)
The Veres Group (Drs. Frank and Zachary Veres)
​Links to Frank's obituary and local media coverage