50th Season Celebration - Our Golden Anniversary

The Warren Philharmonic Orchestra has achieved 50 years of performances with its 2015-2016 season. The Golden Anniversary Committee began meeting in late summer of 2014 to make plans for a grand celebration in June 2016 to celebrate 50 years of classical music in our community. The committee consisted of 15 community advisors that include several business leaders and other professionals and was chaired by Gina Bodor. Visit our History page to learn more about our first 50 years. A list of 50th Anniversary Fund Contributors has been compiled.
Golden Anniversary Festival events were free and open to the public:
June 17, 2016 - Film screening of August Rush at the Warren Community Amphitheatre. A partnership with the Fine Arts Council of Trumbull County (FACT).
​7:30 p.m. - Musical entertainment
8:30 p.m. - Film
10:30 p.m. - Fireworks
June 18, 2016 - Music and Art Hop. A partnership with Trumbull Art Gallery (TAG).
​3 p.m. - Reception at TAG. View 2015 Art in Music​ Contest winning entries.
3 - 6 p.m. - Hop venues (TAG, FACT, DNA Studios, Kinsman House, Upton House, John Stark Edwards House, Chase Building). Ride the Trolley!
3 - 6 p.m. - SMARTS Hands-on Art for Children of All Ages in Courthouse Park
3 - 6 p.m. - Live music performed in the Courthouse Park Gazebo
June 19, 2016 - Warren Philharmonic Orchestra's Father's Day Pops Concert at the historic First Presbyterian Church, 256 Mahoning Avenue, NW, in downtown Warren. 3 p.m. Featuring the Joe Augustine Trio and Brian Keith Johnson.
Promotional materials for our Golden Anniversary Festival:
color flier [PDF 1 page]
black-and-white flier [PDF 1 page]
poster [PDF 1 page]
press release: Warren Philharmonic Orchestra Announces 50th Anniversary Gifts to the Community (May 19, 2016) [MS Word OR PDF 2 pages
Celebration Program [PDF 2 pages]
TV coverage:
50th Anniversary Committee members Gina Bodor and Brooke Thigpen interviewed on 21 News Midday, WFMJ-TV (June 6, 2016) [4:19 min.]
50th Anniversary Committee members Gina Bodor and Tami Candella interviewed on WFMJ Weekend Today, WFMJ-TV (June 11, 2016) [3:35 min.]
Past events include
An Evening of 50 Years of Music (August 1, 2015)
Roaring Twenties Gala (November 1, 2014)

50th Celebration ballcaps are available during June events and at the TAG Gallery Shop. $25. Picture credit: Judy Solomon.
​Entry of Recognition by Hon. James A. Fredericka, Judge of the Probate Court, Trumbull County, Ohio.

Roaring Twenties Gala Golden Anniversary Committee:
Seated: Gina Bodor, chairperson
Standing from left: Brooke Thigpen; Rachel Hathhorne, Mayor Franklin's executive secretary; Leanna Dunaway, WPO Assistant Executive Director; Judy Solomon and Sally Maloy-Dolovy, WPO board members
Not pictured: Tami Candella; Rodd Coonce, Pat Galgozy, TAG; Adam Gregory, FACT; Lillie Johnson; Laurie Keriotis; Michael Keys, Warren Community Development; Bill Mullane, FACT. Susan Davenny Wyner.
Picture credit: Barry Dunaway